The Small Business Success Equation

As I wrote in my previous post there are too many companies trying to find the magic formal for business success when it’s right in front of their face.  The most successful companies in the country regardless of size have built their organizations based on two fundamental principles.  Companies like Apple, Google, Starbucks, etc are the success stories that we see every day but I have met small businesses across almost every industry that employ the same principles and have the same growth trajectories.  Locally you can look to the companies listed in the Fast 50 or leaders in the 40 under 40. 

The two fundamental principles are to be hyper focused on and 100% dedicated to improving the lives of your employees and clients.  If you can build employee and client loyalty you can’t lose.  If you build employee loyalty you will attract the best and brightest.  And if you build client loyalty then you can dictate the cost of your product or service instead of your clients or industry dictating it for you. 

As I sit here I’m almost hesitant to write this because it sounds incredibly basic.  But think about it.  If your employees and clients like your company then you can’t lose.  The success formula for business is so basic it’s almost absurd. 

Employee Happiness + Client Happiness = Company Success

As we know though most employees aren’t happy in their jobs.  I read somewhere recently that something like 70%-75% of US employees are actually not happy in their job.  As for client happiness well there are certainly plenty of examples of companies and even entire industries that have client bases that borderline despise them for their lack of service.  If you look at most larger companies lets say in the telecom, banking, cable TV and insurance industries you probably agree that most companies don’t have what you would call happy clients. 

So the business success equation is so basic yet 3/4 of the  country has mentally checked out from their jobs and countless whole industries have clients that cringe every time that they have to pick up the phone to call them.  This represents a fundamental business disconnect and is hindering the economic growth of our country. 

At the end of the day what most business leaders are missing is that they don’t understand human behavior and they are doing the bare minimum to service their clients.  We need to connect the dots for employers of all sizes that the opportunity for far greater growth and success is attainable.  And the better news is that making these changes in small businesses would be relatively easy to accomplish.  The only question is, are you willing to put forth the effort to make these changes to substantially increase your level of success?

You have to start somewhere

Well as this is my first blog post ever I thought I would deliver some random business musings that have been boucing around in my head over the past few months.  I have worked with hundreds of small businesses in my 15 year professional career and two things have always amazed me.  The first is that small business owners always try to create a unique approach to success when there are a couple of pretty straightforward paths to take.  And the second is that it amazes me how many businesses out there are run really poorly and yet still have their doors open year after year. 

With the above in mind I believe that small business in this country is at a crossroads.  The current economic conditions are dictating an extreme focus by entrepenuers on what business strategies actually deliver the best results.  This may seem overly logical but from what I have witnessed in my career their is way too many mistakes being made by small business owners to maintain our dominant position in the world economy.  The current challenges that small businesses face are big and are effecting every aspect of their business in some way.  These challenges are going to require smart leadership practices and we are going to need to get most of the businesses in the country on board. 

Challenges are coming at small businesses from every angle.  Lack of financing options to facilitate growth is forcing businesses to grow at a slower rate then they could to ensure that they don’t outpace their cash flow.  Healthcare costs have increased by 6% per year for the past decade and show no sign of improvement in the decade ahead.  The government can no longer fund growth oriented initiatives and is imposing greater compliance based programs daily.  There is almost no remaining cost reduction options either as most small businesses have cut everything non-essential (and sometimes essential) and there isn’t anywhere else to cut.  Global competition from China is reaching alarming levels.  And the skill sets of the unemployed doesn’t match up with the new skills required in emerging high growth industries.

With all this in mind there are opportunities.  We need every small business in the country to stop trying to reinvent the wheel and look to the best organizations for the path to follow.  I believe that there are two fundamental principals that the best have in common.  The best are hyper focused on and are 100%  dedicated to improving the lives of their employees and clients.  That is it.  There is no magic.  All you have to do is look at companies like Apple, Starbucks, Nordstrom, Google, etc.  These companies don’t have to worry about finding top talent in their industry.  Top talent finds them.  These companies don’t worry about profit margins and cheaper competition.  They dictate their own prices. 

I created this blog because I don’t believe that their is a sectret formula which is what it appears to me most are looking for.  The formula is right out in full view and available to everyone.  It doesn’t matter if you are a 5 employee pizza shop or Google because the formula works for everyone.  Build employee and client loyalty and you win.  Every time.

Small Business Blog Launch

My name is Darren Witmer and I am a small business consultant based out of Raleigh, NC.  I have worked with close to 300 small business over the past 15 years and have met with and learned about hundreds more.  I have started this blog in an attempt to share the best practices and biggest mistakes that I see in the small business market space.  My end goal is to positively impact as many small businesses as I can to improve the local and national economy.  Ambitious I know but that is my goal and you can’t achieve a goal without first setting one.  I hope that you find this blog of value.  Enjoy.